May 20, 2010

Where will it end?!

So lately I've been thinking things like "What can I post? What should I post?" And it always seems like I think of really good posts before I fall asleep.

However, then I wake up the next morning and am like "What was I thinking? Am I daft?"

Like, for example, I was thinking about doing a post about birthdays. Kind of an "What's the deal with airplane food" post. Why do we get presents on our birthdays? Are we celebrating our ability to stay alive for another whole year? Why do we get presents for that. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

But then I was like, what if someone I know reads this. What if no one ever gives me another birthday present ever again? What about Christmas? After all, that's just a celebration of Jesus' birthday, right? Why do I get presents on someone else's birthday? What if I stop getting presents? I need presents. They're great. Especially good presents, but I even appreciate the bad ones. I think it's the thought that counts. Unless you get me like, a piece of poop. Because really, what were you even thinking?

And then how far will it go? Why do we eat food on the day that Chris Columbus went to the wrong place?

I think birthdays are great! Christmas too! Food is great!

So I decided not to write that post for all of humanity so that we can continue on giving and receiving presents for no reason but pretend that it's an important reason.

You're welcome.

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